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About Me

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I am an instructor, author, voice actor, motivational speaker, and international businessperson who places betterment ahead of every other initiative. While the majority of my life is spent contemplating about lexicons, it is my firm belief that actions speak louder than words. My mission in life is simple: to make a difference by being different.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Please Criticize Me! By Daniel Mulligan

If you want to see me on top, if you want to help me understand my imperfection and improve myself, if you want to make me aware of the self-induced obstacles that are preventing me from reaching my true potential, if you want to allow me to act more maturly, if you want to expand my capabilities and enrich my areas of expertise, if you want to teach me a practical lesson, if you want to grow my emotional intelligence, if you want to assist me in my journey of self-discovery, if you want to make me more likable, if you want to increase my chances of getting result from other people, if you want to make it easier for me to be superior in health, wealth, and wisdom, if you want to give me a marvelous gift and only receive my thanks in return, if you truly want to make me happy then do not compliment me for I am confident enough to compliment myself all day long and thankfully I receive quite a few thumbs-ups from others every now and then.

However, I would like you to criticize me since that way you will do me a far greater favor. So,…Please criticize me! Thanks.  


Aigle said...

That is a brave action to take Daniel. Many people are always trying to run away from being criticized by others! I sometimes do that myself I admit! So well done on that matter. I consider you a very good friend of mine and I become very happy when friends ask for any sort of help I can give them, it makes me really happy to see someone like you having such brilliant ideas about life and it's even greater seeing you sharing it with us but sometimes, maybe I'm wrong at least I hope so, I can't help but feeling that you become a bit too proud of your beliefs and success. Now I'm not saying you shouldn't be proud of yourself of course you should be yet sometimes it really seems that you're looking down on others who have a different belief or have a different lifestyle. I'm not trying to judge you or anything like that I'm just telling you this as a friend and maybe I'm wrong and that isn't your intention at all. Anyway, I hope that so far my comments have been useful to you and I also hope that you consider me as one of your good friends although we've known each other for a very short time now. Oh and I'll be happy if you criticize me as well whenever you felt the need to do so cause I really should make myself more open to stuff like this! Have a great weekend!

Daniel Mulligan said...

Dear friend, thanks for your comment and especially thanks for your criticism. Like I said earlier, your criticism will certainly allow me to adjust my course of action so that I can solve my problem.

You are actually right about my sense of pride, I guess it is a bit too much ;)

Take Care Dear Friend