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I am an instructor, author, voice actor, motivational speaker, and international businessperson who places betterment ahead of every other initiative. While the majority of my life is spent contemplating about lexicons, it is my firm belief that actions speak louder than words. My mission in life is simple: to make a difference by being different.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Happy Day for New York, Same-Sex Marriage Legalized

Promoting the mental health as well as social status of LGBT has always been one of my passions in the world of psychology and politics. As a devoted liberal, I realized that unfortunately most of the LGBT’s suffer from lack of self-confidence and it is quite painful to hear that almost 40% of this minority group goes through their lives either attempting suicide or contemplating to do so. 

While I am heterosexual myself, I have always considered sexual orientation to be a result of genetic predispositions. Due to lack of knowledge and dogmatism homosexuality was considered a disease in the ancient times and most often the identity of the homosexuals were kept a secret.

However, the American Psychiatric & Psychological Association has removed homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses more than three decades ago, and thus the new gay movement began. More and more celebrities, politicians, social workers, nurses, athletes, and etc came out of the closet and set out to ignite a movement to “promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty” for all the homosexuals out there.

Later, the liberal movement which consists of both hetero and homosexuals joined this movement in order to increase its effectiveness thereof. It is safe to say that there exist plenty of individuals from all walks of life who support the LGBT in their strive to make their voice heard. Nowadays, the gay movement’s voice can be heard on the streets, behind the podium, and even on national TV in political Talk Shows such as MSNBC’s Rachael Maddow Show.

Well, it finally happened, and it happened in none other than my beloved New York City. On Friday June 24th, New York law makers legalized same-sex marriage and New York will become the sixth state where gay couples can get married along with Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont and Washington, D.C. 

Alas, we witnessed many gay bashers on the internet who condemned this movement and posted insulting messages on various forums, that is why I decided to write this post and tell all the gays out there:

Not all heterosexuals are homophobic and that there are plenty of us out there who understand you and foster your grand cause. I personally would like to congratulate the gay movement for this significant achievement.

As Martin Luther King emphasized on the concept of freedom and liberty  in his magnificent speech known as  “I have a dream”:

And this will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with new meaning:
My country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing.
Land where my fathers died, land of the Pilgrim's pride,
From every mountainside, let freedom ring!
And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true.
And so let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire.
Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York.…

And that bell was irrevocably heard, the ring of freedom was heeded in New York City. So I would like to leave all of you gays with one sentence:

Be happy of who you are, come out of the closet, and show the world that sexual orientation is no more important in determining your destiny than your color of preference, thus it is time for all of us to come together as humans and enjoy thriving in  a free world.   


Aigle said...

It is still scientifically unkown why certian people prefere their same sex yet, yep you've guessed it righ Daniel, there is a link between their genes and their sexual orientation. Little is known about this but I'm sure that the main reason soon will be discovered. So yeah, I agree that homosexuals have the right to live a free, normal and happy life because whatever the reason is it's not their fault! Yet I think I understand why in the past, these people were strongly denied. You see, centuries before, humans were struggling to survive just like other living things on this planet. The lifespan of a man living during the 17th or 18th centuries was only 30 years. While people were forced to mate and have children in order to survive, homosexuals were a threat to the human race. Therefore people had to rise againts them. But now things have changed dramatically, human are now billions instead of hundreds and homosexuals no longer oppose a threat. Times have changed, we should change for the better as well.

Daniel Mulligan said...
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Daniel Mulligan said...

Wow Aigle, the more I read from you the more I enjoy your writings. I could not agree more with what you just wrote. One of the reasons why I am so much fascinated by the modern world is the chance for us to look outside of the box.

Undoubtedly your last post was my most favorite of all. Thanks for sharing your opinion.

Aigle said...

I'm really glad you think so Daniel! Thank you! I'm also very happy that I've found someone like you to share my opinions with :)