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About Me

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I am an instructor, author, voice actor, motivational speaker, and international businessperson who places betterment ahead of every other initiative. While the majority of my life is spent contemplating about lexicons, it is my firm belief that actions speak louder than words. My mission in life is simple: to make a difference by being different.

Friday, August 27, 2010

“KEEP MOVING ON” by Daniel Mulligan

As I go across that foggy mountain, dressed in snow,
My heart so cold,
My hands shaking, limbs fatigued,
And I stand there all alone; on my own,

The herd of questions passing through my mind,
Scarring my soul ….making me blind,

Part of me is submerged in fear,
Leaving my conscience stained and with smear,
The other side of mine thirsty for the ultimate wisdom,
Hopeful that the moment of truth is near,

I ask myself so filled with wonder,
What am I doing here? ,
Lost all that I came to know,
Yet still maintained a desire to grow,

“Growth hurts sometimes” said to me once a mentor,
A cell has to go through much ere becoming a spore,
Witnessing another cell’s demise,
 Is nothing but development’s central core,

Bear in mind those who are gone,
And the notion that you could be the next one,
“Life is a gift, and not a given right “,
“Live today like it’s your last”, and keep moving on.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Photos speak a thousand words. We all have heard the famous quote at one time or another in our lives, however, the fact that some photographs are capable of changing the world may be unfamiliar and surprising to you. 

      Photos are one of the few entities that are capable of being interpreted by any individual of any background without the need for a translator. Photos are the channels that narrates the tales of the past in the most vivid pattern without any exaggeration or understatement for that matter.It could be assumed by almost everyone that photos are the means of connection especially among different generations and times.

      The following videos will elaborate further on the importance of photography in the contemporary as well as ancient world.
